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NLCS Rural Land Division

Rural Land Division - Region 1

If you have any issues / questions in Rural Land Division please feel free to contact during office hours or drop an email in the email address given below. We will reply your email within one or two working days.
Region I:
1. Thimphu
2. Paro
3. Haa
4. Chhukha
5. Samtse

Rural Land Division - Region 2

If you have any issues / questions in Rural Land Division please feel free to contact during office hours or drop an email in the email address given below. We will reply your email within one or two working days.
Region II:
1. Dagana
2. Gasa
3. Punakha
4. Tsirang
5. Wangdue Phodrang

Rural Land Division - Region 3

If you have any issues / questions in Rural Land Division please feel free to contact during office hours or drop an email in the email address given below. We will reply your email within one or two working days.
Region III:
1. Trongsa
2. Bumthang
3. Zhemgang
4. Sarpang

Rural Land Division - Region 4

If you have any issues / questions in Rural Land Division please feel free to contact during office hours or drop an email in the email address given below. We will reply your email within one or two working days.
Region IV:
1. Lhuntse
2. Mongar
3. Pemagatshel
4. Samdrupjongkhar
5. Trashigang
6. Trashiyangtse
