19070010 (Lagthram Related) Responded

Inquired on : July 12, 2019   364 Views

Sir/Ma'am, my plot which is registered in the details as the following - Location Detail: Mongar Thromde; Mongar; Thram No: 423; Land Owner Detail: Ugyen Wangmo; CID No.: 11505005033; Plot No.: MN1-390; has no details on the 'Location of the Land'. I am of the humble opinion that as much important as are the other details, the details on the 'Location of the Land' are equally important. Indeed, with the rapid development and expansion of the town, the possibility of the location of the land getting changed, in near future, cannot be written off. Therefore, in this regard, I would most humbly like to inquire if it is safe to not specify the location of the land in the Lagthram and if the other details be guarantee enough of the ‘Location of the Land’ should disputes arise in future on the same? Should there be any future uncertainties, I would plead the NLCS to issue a new Lagthram specifying the Location of the Land.Respectfully submitted.

Response Date : July 12, 2019

Dear sir, we appreciate your kind feedback regarding the location of your plot in the Thram. However, we guarantee that there is no possibility of getting confused because all the plots are tagged with unique Plot ID. Thank you!