19100007 (Thram Related) Responded

Inquired on : October 15, 2019   453 Views

Dear Sir/Madam,I have submitted an application to the Executive Secretary, Thimphu Thromde on 8 September 2019 concerning the merger of two adjacent plots of my land at Chang Bangdu, Thimphu. The plot numbers are CB1-412 (Thram No.6617) and CB1-134 (Thram No.1606). I have asked to wait for a month following regulations. Now that one month is over, I would like to ask what processes are involved and what should I or Thimphu Thromde be doing to process the application. I would appreciate your response.With kind regards,Yours,Sonam

Response Date : October 15, 2019

Dear sir,I have forwarded your grievance to Thromde office and requested their office to expedite the process. Thank you!